Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'd Rather Have This Conversation 10 Years From Now

At the dinner table

Josh: I have a crush


Me: Really? Who is she?

Josh: Uhm...Her name is Yuwi.

Me: What's her real name? Or complete name? Is it just Yuwi?

Josh: I don't know her complete name.

Me: Is she you friend? Why don't you ask her tomorrow.

Josh: I can't and she's not my friend.

Me: Why not?

Josh: Us boys don't talk to the girls.

Me: Why?

Josh: Because.

Me: Is she a nice girl?

Josh: She's adorable mom.



Heather said...


Heart of Rachel said...

A revelation of the very first crush... :)

mylove said...

cute...Lets keep it a secret:)

Karen MEG said...

That IS adorable!
It starts very young, doesn't it? Girlie's best friend, a boy, told her he loved her on the weekend. 8 year old L thought it was hilarious... I thought it was the cutest!