Friday, July 15, 2011

Where We Are

We're still at the hospital. Jet's surgery lasted for about 3 hours and stayed i the recovery room for about an hour and half. Regardless of what the case is, to have a loved on in the hospital can be very stressful. The emotions one feels can become very overwhelming. For me, it also brings back a whole lot of memories of Mom and Dad and their days spent in the hospital.
Anyway, so far, Jet has been recovering pretty well although he is still in pain. We also learned from the doctor that Jet will need to be operated on after about 3 months to remove the screws - which upon finding out turned Jet's mood very sour. 
Hopefully we get to go home by tomorrow. Crossing fingers!!


Unknown said...

he smiles wonderfully even in pain! very nice photo!!!!!
get better jet!

louann said...

Thanks so much Al!!!