Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Even If Just For This Year

It may not happen- may not even come close to happening, but IT IS OK to wish , right?

On the morning of the 14th, I'd want to wake up excited. Not even remembering if I actually slept the night before because I had been thinking about the next day. I'd want to spend my day just thinking of you and looking forward to our time together.

The kids would be taken cared of. No need to worry about what they will eat. They will be read a story at night. They will be tucked in to bed. They will sleep tight. No worries.

I'd want to worry about what I will wear or about how I will look. About the perfume I will use.

Will you give me flowers? Maybe chocolates? Or maybe you will surprise me with a letter? Maybe?

I can only think of all that during the day. The rest of the day will be a blur. I will be distracted because I will keep thinking of you.

I never had a candle light dinner. Maybe this year? I never got all dolled up for a date. Maybe this year? I never was surprised by you. Maybe this year?

Sweep me off my feet, just this year.

I try to keep these desires to myself because I say to myself, things are different now. Now that we are married. Now that we have kids.

I've tried to tell you but that's as far as it goes.

But allow me to hope. Allow me to wish. Even if just for this year.


SusieJ said...

Louann, that is perfect. You've captured the essence of being caught between parent, mother, lover... wit all the responsibilities and the need to still be carefree sometimes. I do hope you get your wish.

Amy said...

You should share this post with him. I's love to see your wish come true.

Momgen said...

wow i am impress and you know what even myself i am really hoping bu its far from my imagination that my hubby spend with me because he is working everyday. Nice post good job.

Unknown said...

Oh, Louann. This was a great post :) I agree with Amy. It would be great to share this post with him. Most guys are totally clueless or don't think the same as us. It's that whole Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus thing.

Hope you have a truly Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

Sophiagurl said...

Oh dear, I agree with SusieJ you have indeed captured the essence of our being a mom and a lover.

I guess I am blessed to have such a sweet and thoughtful husband who always has something romantic in store for me during valentine's day...and Friday night is a date night. It is usually me who wants to put it off to get home to the kids.

I hope you share this with him...he could be clueless to what you are looking for. Believe me it's best to talk about it, while you still can.

God bless you Louann. Hope you had a lovely day.