Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today, I thought of writing a little bit more about myself, my hubby and my two boys.

As mentioned, I am an early twenty something wife and working mom. I am an orphan and an only child. I was born and bred in Baguio City and have lived here all my life. I had my first child when I was in 3rd year college. I was 19 years old when I delivered Josh. I stopped school for a semester while waiting for my due date. I enjoyed my pregnancy and gained 30 lbs. I labored for 14 long hours just to find out that I was CPD. Josh was already experiencing fetal distress and that's when my OB decided to do an emergency c-section. The first 3 months of Josh were really bad. I experienced post partum depression, I had the worst time breastfeeding, I felt so incompetent as a mother and Josh just wouldn't sleep straight thru the night. When Josh was 1 year 10months, I married hubby. I lost my dad 2 1/2 years ago. Last September, I lost my father-in-law and a month later, I lost my mom. Also, I got pregnant in early September of last year. I was working while pregnant with the second one and was totally stressed out. I tried hard to gain weight during my 1st and 2nd trimester but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I doubled up on my vitamins and pre-natal milk but to no avail. I had pre-term labor at 7 months and went on bed rest for 1 week. My last ultrasound (at 32 weeks) showed that the baby only weighed 2.3kgs pushing my OB to conclude that I may have had a mild case of IUGR. Hubby and I decided to schedule the cesearan delivery on May 27, 2006. For the past 2 1/2 years I have been working with the Human Resource Department of one of the call centers here in our city. So far, I've had my good days and I've had my bad ones in the office (don't we all?!?) but I have been enjoying my job in general. I plan to continue my masters next June when the little one turns a year old. I enjoy keeping the home, doing the groceries, cooking and playing with my 2 boys. I love sushi, buffalo wings and mango shakes,the color pink and pooh bear. I have in the past 4 1/2 years learned to love trucks, blocks, cars and robots. I have given up on the dream of someday having a mini-me princess of my own as hubby and i have decided that life is indeed hard and that our 2 boys are enough to rock our world.

Hubby on the other hand, is a year older than me. He worked as a selling supervisor for one of the malls in our city for 2 years. During his time there, we had no family bonding time since his day off was always ona weekday (when I was at work) and my days off were always on weekends (when he was at work). Hubby loves cars. When he left his job in January of this year, he ventured into 2 businesses. He set up an auto repair shop where they do paint jobs and body repairs for cars and he started his buy-and-sell business of cars. So far, as in all businesses, there are dry months and there are blessed months. Hubby enjoys bringing Josh to the movies and to the mall.

Josh, my eldest was born on February 24, 2002 at 40 weeks and 1 day. He weighed 3.4kgs and was 49.5cm long. APGAR was 9 and 10. He had jaundice and had to be confined in the hospital for 7 days so that he could undergo photolight therapy. During his first year, Josh loved balls. All sort of balls. He loved barney and elmo dearly. He said mama when he was 7months old. turned on his tummy when he was 4 months. He never crawled. Nor did he ever attempt to hold on to something and pull himself up. He took his 1st steps alone when he was 10 3/4 months old. During his second year, he was into match box, blues clues and blocks. He loved chicken and rice and developed a liking for iced tea. Josh never liked the taste of soda drinks and was never a chocolate and cookie eater. When he turned 3, we decided to enroll him in nursery class. This decision came about when both hubby and I were working and realized that it wasn't healthy for Josh to be left home alone with the nanny. His 3rd year was all about sesame street, dora, hot wheels, spiderman, the incredibles and play dough. He potty trained a few months after his 3rd birthday. SHortly after his 3rd birthday, we discovered that he had primary complex and asthma. His primary complex has been treated with 6 months worth of antibiotics but he still gets his asthma attacks at least every 3 motnhs. When Josh turned 4, he learned how to swim. Succeeding weekends were then spent on beach trips to La Union (about an hour's drive from Baguio). Today Josh still drinks milk and sleeps with his 2 ft pooh bear. Up until 2 days ago, Josh was still drinking milk from the bottle.

Dash screamed his way into this world on May 27, 2006 at 38 weeks via a scheduled c-section. He weighed a tiny 2.8kgs and was 49cm long. APGAR was 8 and 9. Surprisingly, he seemed a little more healthier than his big brother Josh. Dash had no jaundice. I breastfed Dash up until he was 5 months and then my milk dried up. His first month was a month of adjustments for all of us at home. After 4 1/2 years, suddenly there was a baby at home again. Dash's sleeping schedule wasn't well formed yet. His second month was a little better. He started to eat voraciously which caused me to lose all the weight I gained during my pregnancy with him. When Dash was 3 months, he developed a better sleeping schedule at night, only waking up to feed. His poopoo schedule also straightened out, with one poop/day basis. On his fourth months, he began to experiment with his voice, gurgling and babbling during his waking hours. He enjoyed it when we would bring him out to the garden to sunbathe. He also enjoys playing on his rocker. Dash turned on his tummy when he was 5 1/2 months. Just recently, I started feeding him cereals and boy does he love eating! Today, Dash is a very active chubby little big baby who never fails to amuse and entertain me, hubby and Josh.

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