So I opened my blog this morning and
voila! - This award:

from Sophiagurl!
So, I checked what schmooze exactly meant :
schmooze or schmoose also shmooze : v. intr. To converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.
And Lancy furthers adds that "good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
Now reading that made me feel good. And it is but right that I award this award to the people who I feel have become my friends, although I have never met them, they have made me feel so loved.
1. Chrissy, who I found through the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award list was just too friendly I could not resist her! She loves the beach and so do I.
2.Amandasue and I like the same books. In fact, because of Little Miss Suzy, we ended up as blog buddies. And I can't wait to read her stories during her 9 month journey to motherhood part II!
3. Jane, Audrey and Sharon. Who would not love them? I admire the relationship they share, love their pictures and enjoy their stories.
4. Mama G. How can I not include her? Can't. I look forward to reading her blog everyday almost like an addiction, you know that, right?
5. Shoshanna. I love her. Really. Visit her blog and you'll know why.
Oh my goodness! I was reading your blog earlier today and this wasn't up then! Thank you so much! That was really sweet! :) I love your blog too, by the way!
PS. You can contact me outside of the blogosphere at cg underscore lee121875 at hotmail dot com :)
Louann, it's been a while since I've visited your blog. Love the new photo! Just wanted to say thanks for sharing stories from your childhood. I really enjoy reading them. The post about the earth quake left me with chills.
I do have to say that the schmooze award and description from Lancy really suits you!
What a great surprise!! Thanks so much, Louann... you are great!
Jane, P&B Girls
you're most welcome Louann =)
LOUANN!! You're thes best!! I absolutely love reading your blog and admiring those beautiful boys that you have!! Us mommies of boys have to stick together!! :)
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls
Hi, I came by because you awarded a fellow blogger of mine, Chrissy, this award so I just HAD to go investigating. Not that I don't think Chrissy doesn't deserve an award, in fact, she deserves BIG TROPHIES because her blog awesome.
So I'm going to visit a few others who are worthy of this award, if you don't mind!
Nice to meet you, and I LOVE the picture of you and the family at the top of your blog! Did I mention cute kids, too? No? Okay, very cute kids!
thank you so much for the award! i love winning anything, even if there is no money involved. but if money is involved, i will take it. (is money involved???)
thank you so much!
Luann you truly deserve that award, you are very sweet!
By the way, that photo of all of you is awesome! Fantastic, a very nice family!
Louann, thank you. I love your blog too. I am always reading, even if blogger really hates me most of the time and won't let me comment. I get this "do you want to display blah blah" and no matter if I say yes or no, it asks me again.
And then when I go back, it does the same thing. time, Iwill be smart and e-mail my comments instead. :)
First off, congratulations to you!!
And secondly, thank you, thank you, thank you .. you're such a sweetie!!
I've just returned from two weeks away - so I'm now off to read all the rest of your posts I've missed while I was gone.
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