Sunday, May 24, 2009

This Yucky, Yucky Feeling

Like there are a thousand butterflies in my tummy. Like the feeling when the roller coaster you're riding us about to take the plunge. Like throwing up.

The husband just left and will be gone the rest of the week. He starts training tomorrow as he joins a new company. I go back to work tomorrow after 78 days of my maternity leave.

Like there are a thousand butterflies in my tummy. Like the feeling when the roller coaster you're riding us about to take the plunge. Like throwing up.

That's exactly how I feel.


Heart of Rachel said...


I hope that all goes well on your first day back at work. It might be another adjustment for you but hope it will be a smooth transition.

Shosh said...

I think it will be alright...and I bet you feel like hitting me upside the head for saying so.

I hope all goes well with your first day of work, and being away from your baby. You're a brave woman Louann.

Unknown said...

Awwww! Hugs!!! I cannot believe mat leave is only 78 days there!!! Here it's basically a whole year for most.

Thinking of you on your first day back.

BTW, I left you a comment on my blog re: slings and baby.