Friday, April 20, 2007

People Who Truly Make My Day

Today marks my 100th post. Woohoo to me :) I have been blogging since, November? And so far, I have been having a blast! In fact, I think I am addicted to blogging! And over the months that I have been blogging, I have 'met' fellow bloggers who I absolutely love! Here's my list. Check them out :)

1. Susie J.
- I love her blog. Her stories often make me think and ponder on things we often take for granted. Someday I would want to meet her in person and talk with her about everything and nothing. She has 4 boys too! 4 boys people!
2.Amazing Trips
- One of the first blogs I came across when I started blogging. She has triplets. Her stories are amazing.
3. Baby Poop and Business Suites
- Again, one of the first blogs I came across. Her posts are funny. F-U-N-N-Y and witty. A blog worth enjoying! Our little ones are almost the same age thus the connection when it came to baby blues and sleepless nights.
4. So Close
- A veteran blogger whose stories never fail to entertain me! I look forward to visiting her blog everyday.
5.Living In Perfect Chaos
- A fellow mommy who has 2 precious little girls.
- Mommy of a cute little boy. Found out we share the same 'favorite' books.
7.Unseal My Lips
- A fellow Filipina living across the globe. She has 5 kids! Wow. I can relate to some of her posts - same cultural background maybe?
8.Pinks and Blues Girls
- A blog shared by a mother and 2 daughters and all kids and pets in between. Their comments always make me feel so loved.
9.The Story Of Holland and Eden
- A mom of preemie twins. Her strength has carried her whole family through the ups and downs of life.


Girlie said...

Louann, very nice list. So flattered to make it to your list.

Thank you!

I like blogging, I have gotten in touch with more Moms than I thought possible. Most I will probably never met, but still it's been wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you on your 100th post! That's a big accomplishment! We're so honored that you would include us in your list... you are someone whose writings and insights we always enjoy reading! THANK YOU and CONGRATS!!!

- The Pinks & Blues Girls