Thursday, July 31, 2008

Part I ...But Part II May Take A While To Be Published

It was a regular working day for me until around 10AM this morning when again, I started to see an aura on the right side of my right eye. Again, I knew I was doomed. So I popped a tablet of advil and a tablet of exedrin. I knew the onset of the migraine was beginning. After half an hour, I popped another tablet of exedrin but the pain was just getting worse.

Determined to put a stop to all this, I decided to make an appointment with my neuro who treated me for my migraines when it began almost 9 years ago.

So I went. She initially didn't remember me, so she went about asking questions like -- could you describe the pain from 1-10, what meds have you been taking, when does the migraine usually attack. The Q&A probably lasted for 15 minutes. And then she said she doesn't seem to see any reason for my migraine attacks except for stress and tension. So she jotted down a prescription after making sure I was off the pill and was not pregnant. I asked what it was. The first was imigran, which I really take for my migraine. And the other was Sumitripan a very mild anti-depressant. I was taken aback when I learned it was an anti-depressant. She asked me if there were a lot of things on my mind or if there were things I am unable to release or unload. I totally just wanted to cry my heart out right then and there.


Heather said...

I can understand being caught off guard given that prescription. Sometimes relative strangers can see things much more clearly than we, ourselves, can or even family and friends can.

Hope your migraines go away. I've only had one of them and it was no fun. My husband gets them off and on. He hasn't had one in a while. Now that I said that he'll start getting them again I suppose. Gah.

Momisodes said...

I am so sorry. Regardless of what they've recommended, I hope you find relief soon. Migraines are awful and so debilitating sometimes. *hugs*